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Best Story In Budapest .. For Travelers

For context: i’m a 19 year old Scottish guy who was interrailing around Europe for a month. We were in Budapest for a few days hitting up the clubs and sparties, really enjoying ourselves.

Eventually it comes time to leave and we decide to get an early morning train to Split (around 5 am). Anyways, we have 2 taxis booked to the train station and we stumble out still kind of half asleep and start loading our stuff in to the taxis.

As we’re loading we see 3 young guys sprinting full speed ahead up the road shouting “fucking run”. We laughed, thought they were just having drunk fun. No, no they were not.

As we get in the taxis this guy covered head to toe in tattoos and others blood comes to my door and asks to shake my hand. Not wanting to offend this crazy lookin i shake his bloodied hand and he wishes me well.

Phew, got off lightly. Guy tries to do the same with our big fuck off Bulgarian taxi driver. He refuses. Bulgarian taxi driver gets in taxi and starts to back out. Crazy phunk is not happy with this and starts to go to town on this guys taxi with elbows, fists, knees etc. We start to drive away thinking theres no chance hes gonna be bothered to follow a taxi going 20mph? Right? Nah this phunk is freaking superman, sprints faster than humanely possible after our taxi with this mad look in his eye.

Taxi driver goes to turn a corner, thinking wed got away from him, but as we turn theres a bin lorry blocking the entire road. Crazy luck rounds this corner like an atom out the luckin hadron collider. At this point im shouting half asleep Scottish at our taxi driver “LOCK EH lUKIN DOORS” which he thankfully does.

Crazy luck starts battering the windows in with fists, blood smeared everywhere, knuckles burst. Rips off the wing mirrors, starts smashing the windows in with them. At this point our friends in the taxi behind us are buckled in laughter as we sit in pure terror as the luckin grim reaper looms ready to take our souls.

Both taxi drivers get out to get him to fuck off, spits in both their faces and throws the wingmirror at them then books it out of there. Maddest thing about it is as he was leaving he very nicely apologises to one of the locals watching this in awe. TLDR: dont refuse handshakes from men covered in blood, its rude.

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