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How did you meet your best friend?

Here are more common ways of meeting your best friend:

  1. Well you’re all gonna laugh at me, but I met my best friend on Craigslist. 5 years ago I was a single mom and all alone. Most of my friends had abandoned me since I was the first to have kids. I use to kill time browsing all the weird post on Craigslist when I saw a post on strictly platonic. It was another mom who was new to town and had no friends. I thought about emailing her but decided not to. Well after seeing the post again I got a gut feeling that I needed to reach out to her. So I sent her an email. We got together with our kids and hit it off. She’s my best friend. We go on momcations (vacations with no kids), helped raise each other’s kids, she was my maid of honor when I got married and was there the night my second baby was born.
  2. Because of our last names being so close to each other we ended up sitting next to each other in a couple of classes in high school. We started talkung a bit and realized that we were both learning guitar. Eventually we ended up forming a band together and we’ve been best friends for 15 years now.
  3. my son had colic and he wouldn’t stop crying and my husband was working out of town. there was a knock on my door and this woman was standing there and she said , your son has been crying for almost three hours straight. I can hear you pacing and it’s driving me nuts. if I live downstairs and its driving me nuts I cannot imagine what you’re going through. let me hold him and you go for a walk. I honestly didn’t even question I handed him over instantly. I want our side took a walk around the block and by the time I got back he was bathed and sleeping. she was a mom and introduced me to gripe water. I was at the end of my rope and wanted to just walk away and let him cry. I was so frustrated I was crying. she explained that babies feel everything mom feels so when I wasn’t calm and I was crying, my son felt it and it made him even more uneasy on top of his painful gas. she was an angel
  4. About 10 years ago, I started dating a girl who had a sister. 3 months in, her sister started dating this scrawny looking guy and we ended up doing couples stiff between the four of us and we eventually bonded with the scrawny guy who turned out to be a pretty cool fella. Cue present time, we’re still as tight as ever, despite the two sisters that brought us together having dumped our asses years ago.
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